In a column from CEPR, Marshall Burke, Solomon Hsiang, and Ted Miguel review literature on the relationship between conflict and climate. The authors highlight that, across contexts, studies consistently point to the social safety net as a tool to mitigate increases in violence induced by climate change by protecting household incomes from climate shocks. Read the full article.
Meredith Fowlie on the Cost of Electricity in California
Research from Meredith Fowlie & coauthors at the Energy Institute at Haas is the centerpiece of a Washington Post analysis on the cost of electricity in California. The article describes how California’s electricity tariffs add about $600 to the annual running cost of an electric vehicle in California, on average. Read the article here.
Max Auffhammer on Increasing the Social Cost of Carbon
According to a new study published in Nature, the social cost of carbon estimate used by the federal government does not reflect recent research – in fact, carbon should be priced 3.6 times higher. In the Associated Press, authors highlight this nature study and invite commentary from Max Auffhammer, who praises the new model and its design. Read the article here.
Solomon Hsiang on Climate Change Migration
Solomon Hsiang recently appeared in a segment of NPR’s Marketplace discussing how climate change crises such as rising sea-levels and water scarcity could potentially leave over 200 million people without homes in the next 30 years. However, as Hsiang highlights, “migration is tricky … because people have a lot of incentive to stay where they are.” Listen to the episode here.
Sol Hsiang on The Economic Damages of Climate Change
Sol Hsiang’s research at the Climate Impact Lab was featured in the New York Times Magazine cover story this September. The data suggests that the impacts of climate change on the poorest Southern counties could lead to economic damages greater than a third of their total GDP. The article explores the mass migrations that such damages could invoke.
Take a look at the full article here!
Sol Hsiang on global COVID response policies: No Human Endeavor Has Saved So Many Lives in Such a Short Period of Time
O-Lab Affiliate Sol Hsiang, and his collegues at the Global Policy Lab, have produced new research on the lives saved due to COVID response policies and behaviors. The team looks closely at 6 countries and estimates that response policies have prevented a total of over 500 million COVID infections.
The work was published in Nature and Hsiang discussed the findings on the Rachel Maddow Show.