As we approach 2020, we wanted to take a moment to thank you for your continued engagement and support. Check out some of the exciting ways we've been combating poverty and inequality over the last year, and join us in this effort with a tax-deductible gift today. Donate here!
Racial Bias in Health Algorithms
Ziad Obermeyer's new research finds evidence of racial bias in an algorithm widely used by the U.S. health care system. Black patients were much less likely to receive targeted extra care compared to white patients of a similar health risk level. Learn more.
How to Prevent Employee Burnout
Burnout has been associated with negative health outcomes, high turnover, and poor organization performance. Elizabeth Linos' new research suggests that increasing social belonging and affirmation reduces employee burnout and resignations in front line workers.
The Value of Estate Taxes
While estate taxes may push billionaires out of certain states, Enrico Moretti's research shows that estate taxes raised more money for states that had them than they lost in income-tax revenue when billionaires left. “It is still worth it for states,” Moretti told The New York Times.
General Equilibrium Effects of Cash Transfers
Ted Miguel and co-authors provided one-time cash transfers of about $1,000 to over 10,500 poor households across 653 randomized villages in rural Kenya. Studying the general equilibrium effects of the cash transfers, they found large positive spillovers on non-recipient households and firms. Learn more!
The Great Recession’s ‘Lost Generation’
O-Lab Co-Director, Jesse Rothstein’s research shows that the damage suffered by young workers in recessions lasts throughout their career. In his article for Equitable Growth, he highlights the importance of policies to ease the next downturn.
Work Schedule Instability Matters for Workers, Families, and Racial Inequality
Research by Daniel Schneider and co-authors find that “schedules have a pervasive influence on economic security, the ability to fulfill care obligations, and parents’ and children’s wellbeing.” Read more at The Shift Project.
2019 was a busy year at the Opportunity Lab! We welcomed 12 new affiliates and funded 15 graduate student’s research. Meet our new affiliates: