Shreya Chandra

Shreya Chandra

Ph.D., Agriculture and Resource Economics

Shreya is a graduate student at Berkeley's ARE program, studying development, labor and public economics. Her research interests center around how policies, institutions and social norms affect access to economic opportunity in developing countries.

Simon Greenhill

Simon Greenhill

Ph.D., Agriculture and Resource Economics

Simon is a PhD student in Agricultural and Resource Economics at UC Berkeley. Simon's research interests lie at the intersection of development and environmental economics. He is particularly interested in questions relating environmental change and migration. Before entering graduate school, Simon worked at the Energy Policy Institute at the University of Chicago, where he was a research assistant in the Climate Impact Lab. He received bachelor's degrees in economics and Arabic from UC Berkeley.

Sreeraahul Kancherla

Sreeraahul Kancherla

Ph.D., Economics

Sreeraahul Kancherla is a Ph.D. candidate in the UC Berkeley Department of Economics and a Graduate Research Fellow at the National Science Foundation, with broad interests in public and labor economics. In his research, he explores various ways that the US tax and transfer system impacts labor markets.

Steve Ramos

Steve Ramos

Ph.D., Economics

Steve Ramos is a PhD Candidate in the Economics Department at UC Berkeley At CPL, His research interests are in labor economics, household finance, and the economics of education. Prior to his doctoral studies, Steve was a Senior Research Assistant at the Federal Reserve Board of Governors in the Consumer Finance section, where he utilized credit bureau records to monitor developments in U.S. consumer credit and conduct empirical research. He graduated from Miami University in 2017 with degrees in Business Economics and Mathematics.

Suvy Qin

Suvy Qin

Ph.D., Agricultural and Resource Economics

Suvy Qin is a Ph.D. candidate at the University of California, Berkeley in the Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics. Her main research interests are at the intersection of environmental, urban economics, and public finance. Previously, Suvy worked as a Research Assistant at the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago and received a B.A. in Economics from Brown University in 2019.

Tatiana Hinrichsen

Tatiana Hinrichsen

Ph.D., Economics

Hinrichsen is a UC Berkeley PhD candidate interested in labor, education and health topics. She is currently working on the evaluation of an admission reform to universities and a major reform in terms of access and quality of the health system in Chile.

Valerie Boctor

Valerie Boctor

Ph.D., Economics

Valerie is a PhD candidate in Economics at UC Berkeley. Her research leverages micro data to generate policy-relevant insights about household financial behavior. Her most recent work analyzes the long term impacts of pausing mortgage payments during COVID on household financial stability.  A child of Egyptian immigrants, Valerie is passionate about studying the intersection of sociodemographics and policy at the household and macroeconomic levels.

Zachary Bleemer

Zachary Bleemer

Ph.D., Economics

Zachary Bleemer is a labor economist and PhD candidate in economics at UC Berkeley. His research examines the long-run labor market and economic mobility consequences of young Americans' educational decisions using 'big' administrative data and transparent quasi-experimental research designs. Zachary is also a Research Associate at UC Berkeley's Center for Studies in Higher Education.