Led by Meredith Fowlie, Solomon Hsiang, and Reed Walker, the Energy and Environmental Economics Mentoring Program is developing a cutting-edge new portfolio of research placing a central focus on equity in the field of energy and environmental economics and policy. While driving a new research agenda, the program is also providing historically underrepresented undergraduate students with critical training and mentorship in environmental economics, with the ultimate goal of diversifying the community of scholars working in these fields.

As a part of this initiative, we are developing a new scholarly community to bring greater focus to the issue of equity in our examination of energy and environmental policy. A central part of this is a new set of research apprenticeships offering Berkeley undergraduates a unique opportunity to gain direct research training by working closely with leading Berkeley PhD students and faculty researchers.

For more information about the initiative, or how to get involved, please contact Joseph Broadus ( or Karen Notsund (

Faculty Directors

Meredith Fowlie

Reed Walker