Labor Science Initiative

Artificial intelligence, in particular machine learning, is revolutionizing society. From criminal justice to election campaigns, to education and health care, these technologies both carry risks and offer profound opportunities for improving our understanding of the economy. Realizing the promise of machine learning to inform policy and labor market research will require integrating skills and perspectives from the world of AI with deep expertise in market institutions, economic models, and data analysis. O-Lab’s Labor Science Initiative works to transform the way labor markets are defined, studied, and regulated in the US and abroad. By bringing together researchers from Computer Science and Economics, and by drawing upon a broad new array of tools and datasets, the Initiative is creating a “bilingual” cohort of young researchers, fluent in the tools of both economics and computer science.


Avi Feller

Avi Feller

Jesse Rothstein

Patrick Kline

Claire Montialoux

Claire Montialoux

Hilary Hoynes

Hilary Hoynes

Emmanuel Saez

Emmanuel Saez

Hilary Hoynes