Health is a stepping stone to achieving virtually all other human development goals. Yet we continue to face major obstacles in ensuring accessible, affordable, and high-quality health care, especially for people living in poverty. Thankfully, breakthroughs in the types of health data available, the interoperability of health datasets, and the analytical methods used to organize and process these data now enable far more timely and effective decision-making. Additionally, new cross-disciplinary collaborations are revolutionizing the way we understand, track, and respond to global health challenges.
Hosted by the Center for Effective Global Action, Evidence to Action (E2A) 2019 will highlight novel tools and methods to drive better health outcomes for people around the world.
Featuring talks by O-Lab affiliates:
Hilary Hoynes on the long-term impacts of food stamps for children
Ziad Obermeyer on predicting patient risk and physician error using machine learning
Edward Miguel on the long-term impacts of childhood deworming in Kenya